Enjoy up to 2,100 minutes calls to all operators starting from Rp6,250!
Make calls as you like up to 2,100 minutes to Telkomsel and other operators.
Get more talking minutes with validity up to 30 days.
Package can be used to make calls to all Indonesian operators.
Voice to all operators
120 Min
Voice to Telkomsel number
370 Min
Voice to all operators
30 Min
Voice to all operators
420 Min
Voice to Telkomsel number
2000 Min
Voice to all operators
100 Min
Voice to Telkomsel number
2000 Min
Voice to all operators
100 Min
Voice to all operators
2100 Min
Access *888#, *999#, *100#, or *567# and choose “Nelpon” menu.
Open MyTelkomsel App and select “Nelpon” menu.
Access DigiPOS via *181# or DigiPOS Aja! Application then select “Nelpon” menu.
Visit the nearest outlet or GraPARI from your location.