Watch an extensive range of limitless Asian content, including dramas, variety shows, and anime, exclusively on iQIYI with the best network from Telkomsel.
iQIYI is a service that offers diverse Asian content with over 1,700 drama series, variety shows, anime, and 2,000 films, along with subtitles in multiple languages.
Where can I access iQIYI?
You can access it through the iQIYI app, which can be downloaded from the Play Store (Android), App Store (iOS), or through the iQIYI website.
Can MAXstream Quota be used when accessing iQIYI?
Yes, it can be used to watch shows on iQIYI. If the MAXstream Quota runs out or expires, your regular internet quota will be used or you will be charged basic internet tariff (non-package/PAYU/Pay as You Use).
By activating, you acknowledge, understand, and agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
The price includes VAT.
This package is only valid for domestic use (international use/roaming will be charged separately).
MAXstream Quota can be used when accessing the iQIYI service.
MAXstream Quota cannot be used if customers are using a VPN.
Telkomsel is not responsible for all contents on this service.
If there are specific third-party content or links that customers access through the iQIYI application, the access may consume the customer's main package, including if there are active background application features on the customer's mobile phone.
If MAXstream Quota runs out, customers can use regular internet quota or purchase extra quota to stream. If not, customers will be charged a basic internet tariff (non-package/PAYU/Pay as You Use).
By activating this package, customers have agreed to activate the package and service by iQIYI on their mobile phone number.